Since the abolition of the nuclear program in 1968, the Vinca Institute, due to its rationalization, was divided into smaller research units, called laboratories. According to the Statute, laboratories and centers are the organizational units of the Institute.


Governing board

Members of the Board of Directors of the "Vinča" Institute for Nuclear Sciences:

Prof. Milan Martić, president,
Dr. Esma Isenović, deputy president,
Prof. Dr. Snežana Bogosavljević Bošković, member,
Prof. Dr. Ivan Gržetić, PhD, member,
Prof. Dr. Ratko Ristić, member,
Dr. Ljupčo Hadžievski, member,
Dr. Edin Suljovrujić, member


Director's Office

Members of the Cabinet of the Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinča":

dr Slavko Dimović, Director of the Institute

The Scientific Council


Dr. Mila Pandurović, chair


Dr. Mila Pandurović,

Working bodies

The Commission for Monitoring the Competency List,
The Commission for the Promotion,
The Commission for Educational Activities,
The Commission Legislative Activity,
The Commission for Internal Seminars,
The Commission for Inventions and Technical Solutions,
The Commission for Awards and Recognitions,
The Publishing Council,
The Commission for International Cooperation,
The Commission for the Popularization and Disementation of Scientific Work at the Institute.