Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
Osnovan 1948. godine
kao naučni centar za istraživanje najsavremenijih tema u osnovnim prirodnim naukama - fizici, hemiji i biologiji
Danas je Vinča multidisciplinarni naučni institut
koji pokriva veliki broj naučnih i tehničko-tehnoloških disciplina
Danas je u Institutu zaposleno preko 300 doktora nauka i preko 200 doktoranada
koji rade na preko stotinu nacionalnih i međunarodnih projekata kao i u međunarodnim naučnoistraživačkim kolaboracijama u kojima je Republika Srbija član

On Monday, January 27, the Saint Sava Academy was held at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš.

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This year, certificates for outstanding achievements during doctoral academic studies were awarded to our colleagues Tijana Stamenković (PhD in Chemical Sciences), Research Associate at the Laboratory for Atomic Physics, and Bojana Stefanović (PhD in Biological Sciences), Scientific Associate at the Laboratory for Molecular Biology and Endocrinology.


The Saint Sava Certificate is awarded for exceptional achievements in the field of education, the advancement of educational practice, and the development of scientific and artistic accomplishments in education in the Republic of Serbia.

We congratulate our colleagues on this recognition and wish them success in their future scientific careers!


The Research Instruments

the list of research instruments

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Projects with Industry

Services, acreditation, motors and vehicles

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The list of resarch projects

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The "Vinča" Institute encourages the development of innovations and new technologies

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