Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
Osnovan 1948. godine
kao naučni centar za istraživanje najsavremenijih tema u osnovnim prirodnim naukama - fizici, hemiji i biologiji
Danas je Vinča multidisciplinarni naučni institut
koji pokriva veliki broj naučnih i tehničko-tehnoloških disciplina
Danas je u Institutu zaposleno preko 300 doktora nauka i preko 200 doktoranada
koji rade na preko stotinu nacionalnih i međunarodnih projekata kao i u međunarodnim naučnoistraživačkim kolaboracijama u kojima je Republika Srbija član

o-lab70About the laboratory

Laboratory for radioisotopes is unique centre for research, production and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals

Multidisciplinary scientific research of the Laboratory for radioisotopes is carried out in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy and medicine and it is based on design of new radiolabelled compounds for diagnosis and therapy.

Simultaneous application of several diagnostic or therapeutic methods in medicine is  the way to overcome the problem of low sensitivity, specificity and efficacy of routinely used methods.

In that purpose, the Laboratory for Radioisotopes has designed, synthesized and characterized multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles labeled with the following radionuclides:

- gamma emitter (99mTc) for SPECT/MRI imaging,
- positron emitters 64Cu and 68Ga for PET/MRI and
- beta emitters of high energies 90Y, 177Lu and 131I for use in dual, combined hyperthermia-radionuclide therapy, with the possibility of monitoring the effects of therapy using MRI

The efficacy of the radiodiagnostic procedure and the effect of radionuclide therapy depend on many factors: the characteristics of magnetic nanoparticles (size, surface, magnetic properties), radionuclide's characteristics (energy, tissue range, half-life), stability of radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles, external factors (external magnetic field), while the choice of the radionuclide depends on the nature of the specific medical procedure, location, size and nature of the treated tumor.

Methods of synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles coated with biocompatible materials (citrates, PEG, HSA, phosphates) have been developed, labeling with appropriate radionuclides has been optimized, their physicochemical and biological properties have been tested as well as the therapeutic effect on tumor-bearing mice.

Radiotracer method was used for the determination of in vitro  and in vivo  stability of radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles and pharmacokinetic parameters for their potential application in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Application of radiotracer methods in different studies

Researchers of the Laboratory for Radioisotope have cooperation with many institutes and faculties in the country and abroad. Radiotracer methods, as very specific and sensitive, have found significant application in the testing of new materials, as well as in the studies of the pharmacokinetics of new drugs. This method has been successfully applied for the biodistribution studies of different nanoparticles, microspheres and organic compounds.   Radioimmunoassay is also proved as the most sensitive method used for determination of very low levels of hormones (thyroid, steroid etc.) in animals (cooperation on projects of the Faculty of Veterinary medicine).


During the long-term scientific research and in cooperation with nuclear medicine centers in the country and abroad, the Laboratory for Radioisotope has developed a wide range of radiopharmaceuticals that are used in diagnosis and therapy. Today, the Laboratory for Radioisotopes is the unique center in the Balkan region, registered by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, for the production of radiopharmaceuticals according to Good manufactory practice (GMP). Medicines are registered in the Medical agency of the Republic of Serbia according to EU regulations. More than thousands of patients receive Vinča’s radiopharmaceuticals in various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures every year.


99Mo/99mTc generator
Laboratory for Radioisotope has been producing a radionuclide Universal 99Mo/99mTc generator for derivation of 99mTc in the form of sodium pertechnetate over 40 years. Sodium pertechnetate is used for the imaging and functional studies of the thyroid, brain, salivary glands, gastrointestinal tract, while in the form of compounds labeled with99mTc it is used for the imaging of the different organs and tissues and mostly in diagnosis of malignant diseases and myocardial infarct. The 99Mo/99mTc generator is used by all nuclear medicine centers in the country: Clinical Center of Serbia, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Medical centre for Thyroid gland Diseases and Metabolic Diseases Čigota, Center for Nuclear Medicine KC Niš, Institute of Oncology of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Military Medical Academy, Clinical Center Kragujevac, Medical Center Ćuprija, Medical Center Lazarevac.


Sodium iodide-131I capsules for therapy
Laboratory for radioisotopes also produces radiopharmaceuticals for the therapy. Sodium iodide 131I capsules, registered in the Medical Agency as the medicine for the oral application,  are applied for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer. They are applied in the leading centers for the treatment of thyroid disorders in our country: Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Special Centre for thyroid gland diseases and metabolic diseases "Čigota", Center for Nuclear Medicine KC Niš and others.


Laboratory for radioisotopes replaces sealed radioactive sources in different types of devices:

60Co source used for therapeutic purposes in medical centers (radiotherapy, brachytherapy) as well as servicing brachytherapy devices
192Ir and 75Se sources in radiographic devices for the industrial radiography,
137Cs and 60Co sources for the purposes of process control in industrial plants,
241Am and 85Kr sources for the paper industry, polyester and metallic foil, strips and metal sheets,
241Am-Be neutron source for the geophysical logging tests,
- removal of 60Co and 152,154Eu radioactive sources from radioactive lightning rods,
- transport of radioactive sources on the territory of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with ADR regulations.


The Research Instruments

the list of research instruments

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Projects with Industry

Services, acreditation, motors and vehicles

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The list of resarch projects

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The "Vinča" Institute encourages the development of innovations and new technologies

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