Since the abolition of the nuclear program in 1968, the Vinca Institute, due to its rationalization, was divided into smaller research units, called laboratories. According to the Statute, laboratories and centers are the organizational units of the Institute.
Governing board
Members of the Board of Directors of the "Vinča" Institute for Nuclear Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Milan Martić, president,
Prof. Dr. Miroslav Dramićanin, deputy president,
Prof. Dr. Ivan Gržetić, member,
Prof. Dr. Saša Ranđelović, member,
Prof. Dr. Nataša Lješković Jovanović, member,
Dr. Marija Šljivić Ivanović, mamber,
Dr. Nikola Novaković, mamber
Director's Office
Members of the Cabinet of the Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinča":
Dr. Slavko Dimović, Director of the Institute
Dr. Marija Janković, Assistant director for science
Dr. Predrag Škobalj, Assistant Director for Technological Development
Sanja Baranac Stojičić, Executive Secretary of the Director's Office
Igor Opačić, Business Secretary of the Director's Office
Marija Hinić, Technical Secretary of the Director's Office
The Scientific Council
Dr. Sandra Kurko, senior research associate, president
Dr. Ivana Stajčić, senior research associate, deputy president
Dr. Milica Maričić, research associate, secretary
Technical Secretaries: 011 - 3408 822 (loc. 1822),
Stefan Radovanović, Executive Secretary of the Institute's Scientific Council,
Dr. Sandra Kurko,
Working bodies of the Scientific Council
- Area Councils (AC)
- Commission for Appointment to Titles
- Commission for Educational Activities and International Cooperation
- Commission for Inventions and Technical Improvements
- Library Users' Council and Publishing Council
- Commission for Popularization of Scientific Work of the Vinča Institute
- Commission for Awards and Recognitions
- Commission for Monitoring the List of Competencies
- Commission for Normative Activities and
- Commission for Scientific Research Plan and Program.