Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
Osnovan 1948. godine
kao naučni centar za istraživanje najsavremenijih tema u osnovnim prirodnim naukama - fizici, hemiji i biologiji
Danas je Vinča multidisciplinarni naučni institut
koji pokriva veliki broj naučnih i tehničko-tehnoloških disciplina
Danas je u Institutu zaposleno preko 300 doktora nauka i preko 200 doktoranada
koji rade na preko stotinu nacionalnih i međunarodnih projekata kao i u međunarodnim naučnoistraživačkim kolaboracijama u kojima je Republika Srbija član
Acronym / code: PlasmaHarvest / 7451
Project type: PRIZMA
Realization period: 2023 - 2026.
Project funded by: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
SRO project holder: Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
  • VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
Principal investigator: dr Dana Vasiljevic Radovic

The goal of PlasmaHarvest is the design, manufacture, characterization and implementation of a new generation of plasmonics-enhanced ultracompact microfluidic devices. Plasmonically enhanced microreactors with their light harvesting and light localization capabilities allow for the efficient use of sunlight as an energy source in the synthesis of biologically valuable molecules. Our idea is to produce a single chip integrating plasmonic field-enhancing nanostructures into a photochemical microreactor that will be used for new methodological advances in the field of synthetic photochemical functionalizations of biologically active molecules.Conceptualization and design will be done using ab initio numerical simulations, while microsystem (MEMS) technologies will be used to fabricate the microfluidic chips with plasmonic nanostructures (stochastic reliefs, metasurfaces and nanoparticles). A merger of organocatalysis and photoredox catalysis in conjunction with late stage C-H functionalizations will be explored in plasmonicaly enhanced microfluidic devices towards direct functionalization of biologically active molecules.


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