Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
Osnovan 1948. godine
kao naučni centar za istraživanje najsavremenijih tema u osnovnim prirodnim naukama - fizici, hemiji i biologiji
Danas je Vinča multidisciplinarni naučni institut
koji pokriva veliki broj naučnih i tehničko-tehnoloških disciplina
Danas je u Institutu zaposleno preko 300 doktora nauka i preko 200 doktoranada
koji rade na preko stotinu nacionalnih i međunarodnih projekata kao i u međunarodnim naučnoistraživačkim kolaboracijama u kojima je Republika Srbija član
Acronym / code: PIMENTO / CA20128
Project type: COST
Realization period: 2021 - 2025.
Project funded by: European Cooperation in Science and Technology
SRO project holder: - - -
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Present in all European diets, fermented foods (FF) hold a strategic place due to the benefits they offer in terms of nutrition, sustainability, innovation, cultural heritage and consumer interest. The potential of FF for improving human health but also driving food innovation and local production in the next decades has become highly relevant. The challenge is therefore to federate the scientific community and other key stakeholders working on FF. We want to collectively advance scientific evidence of their health benefits, building a benefits/risk approach in order to promote multi-modal innovation and respond to the expectations of different European communities.

The long-term goal of PIMENTO is to place Europe at the spearhead of innovation on microbial foods, promoting health, regional diversity, local production at different scales, contributing to economical and societal development as well as food sovereignty. To respond to this challenge, the scientific and non-scientific community need to join forces and co-construct a multi-stakeholder vision and dynamic in the field of FFA COST Action is the best means of building this network and enabling this long-term vision to become reality.

The wide variety of stakeholders engaged will enable PIMENTO: i) to tightly connect and clarify scientific knowledge on health aspects of FF ii) to tackle technical, societal and legislative bottlenecks behind FF-based innovations iii) to contribute to the establishment of long-term scientific workplaces iv) to disseminate widely define scientific knowledge on FF and define strategic roadmap for future joint research.


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The "Vinča" Institute encourages the development of innovations and new technologies

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