Delegacija Republike Srbije, koju su činili dr Marija Janković, pomoćnik direktora za nauku Instituta „Vinča“ i predstavnici Ministarstva nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija prof. dr Miroslav Trajanović i mr Svetlana Bogdanović, učestvovala je na zasedanju Komiteta visokih predstavnika Vlada u Objedinjenom institutu za nuklearna istraživanja (OINI), u Minsku od 15. do 16. novembra...
Univerzitet u Beogradu obeležio je Dan zadužbinara svečanim dodelama priznanja, a među nagrađenima je i dr Sanja Živković, viši naučni saradnik Laboratorije za fizičku hemiju, koja je dobila Nagradu Zadužbine Đoke Vlajkovića za svoj izuzetan naučni rad. Nagrađena je za rad pod nazivom „Uklanjanje toksičnih metala visokoporoznim ugljeničnim materijalom dobijenim iz otpadne biomase: op...
As part of enhancing international cooperation in nuclear energy and technology, a delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), led by Deputy Director General Hua Liu and accompanied by senior advisors Meng Li and Vsevolod Igin, visited the Vinča Institute. This important visit opened up new opportunities for supporting the development of Serbia's nuclear capabilities and highlighted future collaboration within international standards and best practices.
In addition ...
Upravni odbor Fondacije „Docent dr Milena Dalmacija“ dodelio je dva specijalna priznanja istraživačima Instituta „Vinča“ za doktorske disertacije koje su dale veliki naučni doprinos iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine.
Dr Aleksandar Krstić, naučni saradnik Laboratorije za fizičku hemiju, dobio je priznanje za doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom „Primena ugljeničnih kriogelova do...
Dr. Danka Kostadinović, research associate at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, and Dr. Tamara Bajc, associate professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, are winners of the Foundation "Veselin Lučić" Award for the best scientific achievement of teachers and associates of the University of Belgrade for the year 2024.
They were awarded for the paper T.Bajc and D.Kostadinović "The potential of using floating photovoltaic systems on natural and arti...
The Vinča’s Horizon Award is programme for research and technological development by financing multidisciplinary projects in the Institute that will be applicable, with intentions to establish a path from research to the commercialization. Idea is to improve the research potential of Vinca Institute by promoting the prize and add a new glow to the one of oldest Institute in the Republic of Serbia.
The Annual Awards of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences is awarded to researchers for the specific scientific results achieved at the Institute in the field of activity of the Institute, which are defined by the Statute of the Institute. Rules on Awarding and Recognition (srb)
the list of research instruments
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