The Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade, along with several research institutions including Institute of Nuclear Sciences VINCA, as one main co-organizers, organize Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, an international conference focused on different aspects of bioinformatics and computational biology, which will be held at the Hotel Palace,...
Dr Zora S. Žunić, retired from Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade has been presented with the 2017 European Radon Association Award for her outstanding and pioneering contributions, often in very difficult situations, in investigating the exposure of the population of Serbia to the natural radioactive gas Radon-222.
Stephen William Hawking (8. januar 1942. - 14. mart 2018.) bio je engleski teorijski fizičar, kozmolog, autor i direktor istraživanja u Centru za teorijsku kosmologiju Univerziteta u Kembridžu.
Njegovi naučni radovi uključivali su saradnju sa Roger Penroseom o teoretiima gravitacionog singulariteta u okviru generalne relativnosti i teoretskom predviđanju da crne rupe emituju zračenje (Hokingovo zračenje). Hoking je prvi koji je predstavio teoriju kosmologije objašnjen zajedni...
Ministar prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Mladen Šarčeivić posetio je danas Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“.
Ministar Šarčević dao je punu podršku planovima koji se odnose na realizaciju Vinčinog horizonta, koji podrazumeva finansiranje multidisciplinaranih projekata koji će biti primenljivi, ali i nameru da se uspostavi čvrsta veza nauke sa privredom.
Maja Gojković, predsednica UO Agencije Agencije za zaštitu od jonizujućih zračenja i nuklearnu sigurnost Srbije i predsednica Skupštine republike Srbije, danas je obišla Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“.
Direktorka Instituta, Milica Marčeta Kaninski, zajedno sa svojim saradnicima upoznala je gošću sa delatnošću ove vodeće naučno-istraživačke institucije i značajem...
The Vinča’s Horizon Award is programme for research and technological development by financing multidisciplinary projects in the Institute that will be applicable, with intentions to establish a path from research to the commercialization. Idea is to improve the research potential of Vinca Institute by promoting the prize and add a new glow to the one of oldest Institute in the Republic of Serbia.
The Annual Awards of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences is awarded to researchers for the specific scientific results achieved at the Institute in the field of activity of the Institute, which are defined by the Statute of the Institute. Rules on Awarding and Recognition (srb)
the list of research instruments
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