Acronym / code: TT 1121
Project type: Transfer tehnologije
Realization period: 1. 12. 2022 - 30. 5. 2024.
Project funded by: Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia
SRO project holder: VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
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Principal investigator: Jelena Filipović-Tričković
  • Short description of the project (up to 200 words)

This project is contituation of the previous call - Proof of Concept, Inovation Fund, Republic of Serbia,  and is focused on the development of a formulation in the form of a gel containing silver nanoparticles synthesized by laser and in the presence of sage leaves aqueous extract. This method of synthesis is simple, fast and eco-friendly, without the use of additional chemical compounds and organic solvents, and results in obtaining unique product that possess an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time, that is not toxic to human cells and stimulates the synthesis of collagen, and as such is suitable for local application on the atrophic conditions of the skin and oral cavity.