Acronym / code: DisSFusionMat / 7365
Project type: PRIZMA
Realization period: 2023 - 2026.
Project funded by: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
SRO project holder: VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
  • Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
Principal investigator: Jelena Stašić

With the extensive research on fusion energy in the facilities worldwide, one of the most important issues is the choice of construction materials which would be used in such reactors. Among the main candidate materials are stainless steel and copper-based alloys. The proposed multidisciplinary project DisSFusionMat will cover a comprehensive research, primarily experimental, on the development of novel, dispersion strengthened materials based on copper and steel. The obtained materials are expected to show improved properties concerning primarily mechanical characteristics and behavior under high temperature fluxes. Synthesis will be conducted from mechanically alloyed powders in two ways: (i) by additive manufacturing technique and (ii) by powder metallurgy technique. In both approaches reinforcements will be formed in situ which should ensure their fine size and good distribution. Synthesized materials will be compared and investigated by examining their microstructure and mechanical properties. The effects of high temperature fluxes will be studied using pulsed laser irradiation. New materials synthesized and contemporary methods of their synthesis and examination are expected to provide new knowledge and impact materials science, physics, chemistry and metallurgy.