• Organizational unit number: 170
  • phone: +381 63 1359-475
    e-mail: vesnam@vinca.rs
    director: Dr. Vesna Maksimović

About the Department

The Department of Materials was founded in 1962. Currently, 35 PhD holders and 17 PhD candidates are employed in the Department.tabela slika 170

Research fields


  • Advanced Ceramics
  • Composites, Carbon materials and Biomaterials
  • Materials for applications in the energy sector
  • Removal of pollutants

Besides collaboration with scientific institutions, the Department of Materials has established a collaboration with industry partners, which is predominantly related to testing and characterization of materials which are either final products or starting materials for the manufacturing process of companies such as Grammer System-Aleksinac, Johnson Electrics-Niš, Elixir-Prahovo, Bonavia-Beograd, T1 Abraziv-Ada.

Services offered

  • Determination of phase composition of crystal materials by XRD analysis (XRD device Rigaku Ultima IV)
  • Measurement of mechanical properties:
    • Flexural, tensile and compressive strength (Universal testing machine, Instron 1185)
    • Fracture toughness of brittle materials by indentation method (Vickers)
    • Macro hardness and micro hardness by indentation method (Vickers)
    • Sample preparation and microstructural analysis by optical microscopy
  • Measurement of specific surface area of powders by BET analysis
  • Thermal treatment at 1500 oC in the air as well as a controlled atmosphere
  • Fabrication of alumina (Al2O3) lab ware for application at 1600 oC