MitiMetCattle is scientific research project and belongs to program “IDEAS” which is founded by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia in the group of Biomedical sciences. The main problem that the project is trying to solve is methane pollution from the enteric fermentation of dairy cattle through nutritional modulation of cows’metabolism. Namely, metan as greenhouse gas (GHG) contribute significantly to global warming which may provoke irreversible environmental changes. Compared to other l...
FerroReg will provide entirely new knowledge/evidence of intracellular (mRNA, miRNA, SNPs) and extracellular (exosomes) transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation and association with metabolic indicators of the ferroptosis key processes in human disease. Multiple sclerosis, a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease with no current cure, in its etiology comprehend: increased susceptibility of CNS to oxidative damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired iron metabolism,...
Srčana insuficijencija ili slabost srca je stanje u kojem srčani mišić više nije u stanju da pumpa dovoljnu količinu krvi za nesmetano funkcionisanje organizma. Ukoliko se otkrije u ranoj fazi, proces slabljenja srca se može zaustaviti lekovima, dok u slučaju kasne dijagnoze, proces postaje nepovratan sa smrtnim ishodom. Međutim, pravovremenu dijagnozu nije lako napraviti. Insuficije...
the list of research instruments
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