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- Atmospheric Electricity Network: Coupling with Earth System, Climate and Biological Systems (ELECTRONET) / COST action
- European Network for Environmental Citizenship / COST action
- Implementing nature based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city / COST action
- Mobilising Data, Policies and Experts in Scientific Collections (MOBILISE) / COST action
- Nove tehnologije za monitoring i zaštitu životnog okruženja od štetnih hemijskih supstanci i radijacionog opterećenja
- Procurement process in the light of nuclear security implications of CFSIs
- Serbian Industrial Waste towards Sustainable Environment: Resource of Strategic Elements and Removal Agent for Pollutants
- Strengthening Capabilities for Radionuclide Measurement in the Environment and Enhancing QA/QC System for Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring
- Strengthening the Capacities for Soil Erosion Assessment Using Nuclear Techniques to Support Implementation of Sastainable Land Management Practices